03 0742Hrs DiSeMbeR 2008;
Likewise, i had mentioned previously, this is my first day, writing my blog in a diary form...
So, actually, i just return from doing some nite-sentry & "gotong-royong" i supposed..Well you see, in my place.. the final year students or those my beloved seniors that will about to be "graduate" from our school of thought, will be celebrated in a grand ceremony...Well, it's obviously as a junior you shall become obligated with a rule where "Senior is not a king, and junior is not a dog"...You have to do some necessary work for your seniors as they are the one that will be celebrated for that special day...Well, for me..it's nothing to be bragged about because sooner or later that day will come to me after all...
It's a nice feeling seeing your cniors dressing in a nice attire, being watched by their beloved parents and moreover the MosT-MoSt ImpOrTanT peRson (super VVIP.. :p)..iN yoUr country came down through the street town, just to mEeT up with your cniors and acknowledge their presence in that particular institution or school of thought...They are accustomed in a public parade with the "killing" tunes from those "TaMbo groups" (a musician band)...If i was not mistaken, this are the fourth times we were summoned to the parade square as apart of an in-charge commitee..
Eventhough, some may say they were tired, sort of boring,..but, they still managed to show cooperation..At my place cooperative work, is a vital element, apart from the rules of the Administration Order...Which acted as our guidelines in planing and implementing what is necessary, and what is not..My team already knew what supposed to be done in order to avoid feeling terrible with their life....However, you know what?... the BeST thing is..when you.. Feeling relieved looking on the actual day, where your hardwork seems deserving thousands of compliments..because you were involved with the preparation for the "GrAnD" occasion..
To think in the future to have these all GrAnD preparation coming to me...It worths more than 2 years to go..or about 3 more semesters of struggle...And till that day, i'll make sure i'll not taking these 3 more semesters lightly..not anymore...Oh ALLAH!!! i'm hoping all these days can be outdo by myself..so, God..please help me..May ALLAH bless us all..
Arigatounee!!! (which means Thank You!)
Majlis Graduasi Kelas 2024 Pelajar Khalifah Model School (Secondary) – KMSS
Hasrizal Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah. Salatan wa salamun ‘ala Rasulullah wa ‘ala
alihi wa sahbihi w...
1 day ago
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