Friday, May 29, 2009

Hope...U driVe mE crazY..


JUz NOw, wE haD quIte an ExpEriEnce DaT's neither Predicted nor Told by otherS in our worlD...

dOing a so-called ExTReMe exercises may Kill Ur bReath...PunIShd bCoz oTherS haD beINg suCh a CUstOmaRy life in Our WOrld as a Cadet offiCer..

though wateva happens, yet still got 2 yrs to end dis miserabLe (thought) kinda life..

afta 2 yrs dat's wat a true meaning of life waItin' 4 an longer a cadet officer...discipline, self-esteem, punctuality, & taking words responsibly...r da criteria dat we suppose 2 acquire in a span of Tyme..

& I honesTly bElieved daT daY wiLL cOme..eveN if Time Acted asif crawling pass through us....

daY by daY, such harsh training r alwyz being taken as lightly as we could..

bcoz of waT??

Wat woUld u Think Da ANsWer mIght b??...

No One couLd by day..da onLy thing we have in our mind is only one...

When, thIs reach its enD???

onLy a Strong DeterMInatIOn in AchiEving Goals Will guarantee OUr pathway...

i haD once bEIng in desPair..

daT kinda feelIn'..

asif da world go against us..

hopefuLLy, dat daY will come...relly hope 4 it..

thank u 4 alwyz giving me da hope..

2 see da shine brightly 2 years later....

mom....& my dearest friend...

yEs U...

inspirations help drive a life..

from such a failure

to a vital element of progress...

"hope..u driVe me crazy..relly it is"

p/s: relly tired & sleepy...but U inspired me 4 a hope..bcoz u r my inspiration..

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