Thursday, June 4, 2009

CorPoRatIon oR cO-oPeratION???


So, now i'm bAck!!..

Afta 3 days & 2 nite spent in da junGle.. i realized dat, in doin' sumtin',..

a deep
understndg bEtweeN memBrs of tEam conTrolld the siTuation..part of it,

leader who r da one play major role in organizing & ensuring 4 everytin' 2 b

put on
da ryte tyme situation....

well, surviving in a deserted area may confused those who r rely easily stumble

especially if da mind doesn't fixed well..

complicated isn't it?..evrythg seems 2 b so structured outside of well

functions in a critical & analyzing fear, 2 expect sumtin' unexpected & da most

important of all da actions must b well coordinated wif da plans & orders...

living there, has make me realized dat, sumtin' must b change in order 2 b suit

wif evrything... 2 put ideas, & self discipline well through as well as not to fail da

entire rooms of da plan...believe in urself, 2 control ur emotions as well as 2 reach

da objective is da room which left for one 2 make a success move from da action


what was it all about?..does it necessarily 2 b called for a planned corpoRation or

cOmMaNd & contRol of a gRoup Co-orporatION??

anY -1???

p/s: bcoz i alwyz believe dat there is a room 4 change..2 change sumtin' must b necessary 4 da future unexpcted plans

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