Monday, June 22, 2009

akU jaTuh & terus jatuh di dlm hidupKu..SemaNgat!! DI mANa KaMU menGhilaNG??? i'm feeling lost


Suddenly...I...feel relly down...i dunno why....

sumtyme i'm feeling lost...ANyone
could help me maybe?...

let me noe
though....moreover, when i got dis recent news..

"OuR luvly broTher, Allahyarham staff kherow had left us all 10 o'clock dis morning"

...but, still ..

there's sumthing
make me become quite depressed rite now..& by any chance..

to anyone out there any motivations
for me..

dun hesitate to let me know... by all of sudden..

i dunno..

i'm feeling worst..

does it gotta be wif da training dat we r curently having rite now??..... :'(

Thursday, June 4, 2009

it's about life..of a

Salam' alaik....

Wat a news..just few days before, i met him, & by all of sudden he happened 2 b

in between life & death...

about whom am I talking about?'s about life..of a human...

da one i meant juz now is our former intake coaching staff..

staff SeargenT Mohd Kherow Anwar Mohammad...

he was happened 2 b in an accident which had coz her lovely wifE & his baby boy,

Mohd Adam Danish died at da scene..

ADIK mangsa, Azri Ariffin, 24 memangku anak saudaranya, Mohd Adam Danish (gambar kecil kanan), 5 bulan untuk dibawa ke Kota Bharu untuk dikebumikan, hari ini. Rusnira Ariffin (gambar kecil kiri), 32, maut dalam kemalangan apabila kereta yang dipandu suaminya, Mohd Khairul Anwar Mohammad, 36, (tengah) yang terbabas melanggar pembentung parit di Kg Pengkalan Petai, KM47.5 Jalan Kuala Krai - Kota Bharu awal pagi tadi.

(for more detailed news click here: Ibu, bayi maut dalam nahas di Machang

wat a tragic!!...

"we all From 2006 Intake woUld like 2 giVe ouR woRds oF condolEnCe 2 him & relly2x

Feel SOrrY for Da
mIseraBle tragedy"...

To sTaff SeaRgenT khErow wE all alWyz praY foR uR saFetyNess & da resT oF da fAMly...hopE daT u could OvercOme diS wiF a sTrong sElf-cOnfiDencE, as An aRmy sOldiEr & belief daT we All wIll Happen 2 reTurn bACk 2 ALLAH Almighty one day, sooner or later...

sO, there is a link dat i would 2 share wif u least it could help us & guide us

from lost in dis tiny, little world...

Tujuan hidup manusia
(may i??...miss AtiXXX..juz sharing wif others..waS it OkaY wif U??)

dis article of "tujuan Hidup maNusia" was taken from a fren blog..i need much more tyme

den any fren does hv in order 4 me to elaborate dis in details in my blog...wateva,

hope u guys will be benefit from dis...

p/s: everything come & passes by...sooner or later..our tyme will come...death is da only thing standing near 2 mankind..believe me..

CorPoRatIon oR cO-oPeratION???


So, now i'm bAck!!..

Afta 3 days & 2 nite spent in da junGle.. i realized dat, in doin' sumtin',..

a deep
understndg bEtweeN memBrs of tEam conTrolld the siTuation..part of it,

leader who r da one play major role in organizing & ensuring 4 everytin' 2 b

put on
da ryte tyme situation....

well, surviving in a deserted area may confused those who r rely easily stumble

especially if da mind doesn't fixed well..

complicated isn't it?..evrythg seems 2 b so structured outside of well

functions in a critical & analyzing fear, 2 expect sumtin' unexpected & da most

important of all da actions must b well coordinated wif da plans & orders...

living there, has make me realized dat, sumtin' must b change in order 2 b suit

wif evrything... 2 put ideas, & self discipline well through as well as not to fail da

entire rooms of da plan...believe in urself, 2 control ur emotions as well as 2 reach

da objective is da room which left for one 2 make a success move from da action


what was it all about?..does it necessarily 2 b called for a planned corpoRation or

cOmMaNd & contRol of a gRoup Co-orporatION??

anY -1???

p/s: bcoz i alwyz believe dat there is a room 4 change..2 change sumtin' must b necessary 4 da future unexpcted plans

~CoLorS oF LiFe~

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