Monday, April 20, 2009

DebATes??? ExAMs FeVA???


So, the tyme rite now is 0134hrs...& i juz finished ironed my no.3 wasn't properly dried until i ironed it...on da day b4 yesterday....dat's saturday..we had a marathon debate...6 groups wif 3 diffrnt titles...everyone were enjoyd listening 2 da debate...but, i'm sory..stil dun hv pictures of dem till now...

debates during school tyme...taken from sum1 blog..TQ...(^_^)

but more professional like dis one
..........( gambar hiasan)

(YAWWWWERRRRRGGHHHH!!!!)...wat sound was dat?...ooh..i c....dat was da fantastic football..fanatic fans...fanatic watchers...all dose sort of "f" kinda thing..sum of my frens (cniors & juniors) were watching football...dunno...which team are, recently...itz hard 4 me 2 closed my eyes bcoz of these fanatic fans shout and cheers...dare is 1 day where i suddnly woke up at 0430hrs in da morning...but, on dat tyme i was just sleeping for about 2 hours...

imagine it u Guys!!!...i thought i already late 4 morning parade....(usually we have morning parade at 0630hrs from monday to friday)....huh!!!...all these fanatic fans are quite troublesome...wheneva dare is important match or if their fevret them were plyg...they r alwys dare....

4me..itz bettr 2 go sleep rather than watching football all over da, where did we stopped juz now?....haaa, my, i think i will explain more on our debate once i got da most right tyme,....


now is 0701hrs...i'm all of sudden..i fell slept...i felt like very2x sleepy last nyte...hehe...when i woke up dis morning..itz already....0550hrs...Subuh prayer, yesterday was about da debate....

so, 2day is about exams week....

"2 all my frens in M'sia outside there...plz be ready..i noe u all can do it.... all da bez 4ur final semester ExMs!!!"

yesterday, i juz finished one assignmnt...i alwayz look at my frens...n wat we can say is dat, diffrent people has diffrent way to study...but, studying at da last moment of not da most apropriate way 2 show our honesty and honour as a student...moreover, when u r doing "toyol" kinda of thing...dat is even more worst...u are not ready for da exm, n yet u r commitg something opposed the basic doctrine as student..we hv our own rules of order 2 sEEk SuccEss wif any efforts we had put in, we need ourselves 2 do the steps...

1) DuN maKE a lASt MinUte sTadI....itz LikE eaTing a NicE RooSteR wiF ur StomaCh fULL

2) doN'T reaD unLess u R coNcenTrating...BcoZ studies show Dat PeOPle maNage 2 give only 7 minutes a full conceNtration..& afta dat they'll Lost...

3) aVoid caFein when STudYing...bCoz...diffrnT peopLe sUits thEMslVes diffRntly...uSuaLLy the nEw LearNer..."baru BerJinak2x" wif caFein wiLl bE in Big trouble if By All of SUddEN thEy feel tIred dUring the exM, I SuggEsTd u All 2 stadi eaRly, Get EnouGh sLeeP...& dRInk Lot oF waTer...

4) teLl oUr PareNts...waT da paPErs dAT we'll b AnswrIng & let theM Noe How ImpoRtanT thEIr PraYErs for us..

5) sTudYg in a GrOuP WiLL Help uS wiF oUR diFFrnT leVEl of UndRstAndG...DOsE wHo dON't Noe, ASK FoR da ANsWER...n DOsE wHo kNoWs so mucH...LeT uR fREN inForMed...

6)b4 Da ExM, sEE uR tEaCHErs / LecTurErs 4 DA lAST TYme..WhO KNOWS...MAyB he Or She alReaDY sPlT out CursE on U....makINg u fEELg duMber tHaN beFORE...;P

7)RelaX in FigurINg prOBleMS...anSWers Is Not daRE If We CaN't eVeN aNSwr da BaSIc QueSTionS oF nEEd to OursELves...such aS...4 MusLim..."Hv i praYed alREadY?"...& oTher OBligaTionS daT we r BounD 2....

8) dUn 4Get..waTeva wE r DOIng...StaRt wIf "in Da NaMEs of ALLAH...".... & enD it wIF....."pRaiSe 2 ALLAH"

9) aNd laSTly, waTevA eFFort wE haD put On...maKe sUre OF oUr reliaNce on ALLAH s.w.t.. & fOr nOn-musLim Out TheRe...believed in Ur wiLL hElp US noT 2 b EasIly bEing in DesPair....n lose of hOpe...




now still.. 2 xssignmnt left for me 2 b finished...actually, i'm waitg 4 someone returns...dis person is a nice person dat i recently get 2 noe...well...itz not worth if i'm telling u all who dis person is.....ok..enough said...

so, about da debate...i'll let my readers know bout it later on...i bet u all will laugh 2 death if u read my post bout it..hehe...okla...i'm missing my fren...huhu.....YOSH!!!!


azilea said...

chaiyok pak cadet..kalo dorg bising2..sumbt je kpas dlm tlinge..hehe

Musyakir said...

HahA...No CottOn aLLoWEd HerE..
sBb NanT koTor tMpt nI...sBb aDa keS Yg X buaNg kapaS bTol2x...LaST2x Ramai2x knE taJI...huhu

~CoLorS oF LiFe~

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